Thanks to my wise father, growing up we were always told, “Don’t slouch, you’ll have a bad back”. Little did he know that I would take that and run with it. I mean there’s much more to it than just slouching, but the principle is definitely there. So thanks daddio for keeping me in check in yet another area of my life.
I just read an article written by Katy Bowman, if you don’t already follow this woman, you’re missing out. Her theories on movement are on point! Anyways, it pertains to the whole posture idea and I thought what better topic to cover as we head into the more active time of year.
When I say ‘Posture’ what does that mean to you? What does it evoke you to do?? Does it make you want to lift your head and pump up your chest?
Now what about if I choose to use the word alignment?? Does it make you think about whether you’re physically staked through your spine? Or does it bring awareness to where your muscles may be imbalanced? I personally love the idea of alignment over posture as it encompasses the overall balance of the body.
One of my favorite things that Katy Bowman states in her write up is this:
“Health and non-exercise movement have been getting more coverage than usual. While there is so much advice we all get about the optimal types of exercise—cardio, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training—those with the healthiest hearts in the world are constantly active but not intensely active. And they hardly ever sit.”
Let that sink in for a moment………
I’ve spoke about this before, where the overall movement in your day is so, so, so important. You cannot sit for 8-12hrs a day and workout 2-3x/week for 30-60mins and expect your body to have resiliency to aches, pain and limited strength. It most definitely helps build the strength and mobility, but the overall alignment and balance in your body is not present.
Now, I also want to note that I understand people have jobs that require them to be located in front of a computer for an extended period of time. Honestly, kudos to those that are able to have that much concentration and focus (it’s not in my genetic make up ). It’s about moving and playing with the positions you’re in throughout the day. There are some really great resources and recommendations out there.
Most importantly be creative with how you move, do you always have to sit in a chair?? Do you always need to sit on your couch?? How about hang out in a deep squat, sit cross legged, or lay on your stomach and elbows……..get the idea?? Build your bodies alignment!